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We are unique

This page pertains only to our advanced services that are not offered by any of our competitors. For our other basic and advanced features, please click the overview tab.

As far as we know we are unique in the marketplace, as we are the only DNS service that has the following advanced features:

  • You can redirect visitors based on their country - for example you can give them the IP address of your closest mirror.
  • You can redirect visitors based on their city, latitude or longitude
  • You can redirect visitors based on their network name (Autonomous System Number, AS, ASN) - do you want to send visitors that come from particular networks to certain servers?
  • Each time a visitor asks an IP address of a smart subdomain, a used-defined script runs that makes a decision on what IP address to return, based on factors such as the country and network of the visitor, or on the uptime and load of your servers. These scripts can be as custom, complex, and imaginative as you can make them. The scripts are written in a subset of the PHP scripting language.
  • If you don't know how or don't want to, we can write the scripts for you - free of charge

For more information on our basic and advanced features, and for code samples that can be attached to smart subdomains, please visit our wiki.

© GeoScaling 2006-2020